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Why I added a bell sound when a player gets the right answer in my math game

Why I added a bell sound when a player gets the right answer in my math game

Whenever a player gets a math fact correct in the game I'm working on, the game will play a little chime. I wrote about how to use Stimulus JS to achieve this result here. The reason for this feature is twofold.

It makes the game fun. I use an old school sound from a beloved video game I used to play as a kid. It's a really nice sound and a legal liability.

The game is meant for parents and their kids. While I enjoy watching my kids play and encouraging them as they go, I also like to let them practice without a high level of direct supervision.

The chime is a notification for busy parents that their child is practicing and getting answers correct. If more than a few seconds go by without a delightful chime, it might be time to check in on the kiddo.

If you hear ding, ding, ding... well then you are hearing the sound of learning.

Interested in getting the alpha version of the math game? Reach out!